Thursday 22 May 2008


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Apologies for the weeds, they've gone now!

This is our exciting new crop, but think we're going to have to wait until next year before we can pick any.

Counted 7 stems of asparagus tonight - so I don't think we're going to be making much of a surplus!

Monday 5 May 2008

Purple Broccoli

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Since we were digging out the broccoli today it would have been rude not to get the remaining heads from it.

Brassica Bed

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Last years brassicas were grown in this bed, we're digging it over and finishing off the digging out today. This year it will have beans, cucumbers and courgette in.

Finally finished digging out the grass.

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The enormous pile on the left is what's taken a year to dig out of our plot so today was quite a milestone as it's maintenance from here forwards rather than digging out from scratch. Phew!


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Our peas last year were destroyed by pigeons, we've learned from the mistake and put netting around them this year. These are the first of two lots to go in, 12 plants in all here.


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The earlies are just starting to come through!