Sunday, 29 June 2008

the first onion of the year

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our first onion of the year.

the plot is beginning to start producing sensible amounts of produce. Which is good, there are points (two failed carrot sowing sessions), where you wonder whether you're going to get anything out of it.

I'm pleased to report that this past week has been a turning point, and now the majority of our veg is home-grown. We've had broad beans, peas, onion, garlic, potatoes, lettuce, rocket and radish. Have also picked the last of this year's rhubarb, but have to admit that we froze that rather than ate it.


Tuesday, 10 June 2008

New Brassica Netting

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After my recent pictures showing our cabbages looking rather sorry for themselves, this is my solution to the problem. The netting is a lot more substantial and hopefully pigeon proof than the last lot.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Broad Beans

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Not a total failure, but not the biggest bean plants either. I'm sure we'll learn from these and do even better next year, but they are producing some nice looking pods now.


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I'm reliably informed these are the mixed over winter onions nearing readiness for summer consumption. They're pretty much ready to go now in fact so it'll just be a case of harvesting and drying them properly for storage. Although, these don't keep as long as the later variety.

A mixture of red and white.


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Here's where we're at with the spuds now!

They're coming on quite nicely, first time we've grown them though so we don't really know what we're doing.


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Bloody pigeons is all I can say!!! I spent last weekend hunting down some more robust netting. The pigeons have taken to landing on top of it, flattening it to the ground and munching on whatever they've landed on the little buggers!