Sunday, 20 July 2008

Spuddy wuddies

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G spent much of Saturday afternoon digging up potatoes. 14.6kg worth (we weighed them on the bathroom scales)

These are 'Rocket' new potatoes, and some of them are absolutely massive. Most are now in storage in the garage.


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First garlic harvest. Am well chuffed at growing garlic - a first for me. Ignore that Skate said it is dead easy.

It was quite simple really I guess, break up a clover of garlic (these are from the Isle of Wight Garlic Company), and then plant, each clove about 6 inches apart. Did this in September, then wait until Mid Summer's day and harvest.

I liked the fact that they were due to be picked on mid-summer's day - reminds that you are reliant on nature for these things.