Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Rhubarb Patch

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Our Rhubarb is doing incredibly well again this year. I've picked loads (our freezer is bursting) and given loads away to friends and family too and it's still got another good pick in it yet!

I've no idea what variety this is (we inherited it from the previous plot holder) but it seems to come up earlier than all the others around us and is a prolific grower too.

Allotment Overview

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Have a look at the picture on Flickr (click the picture) where you will be able to see a load of notes giving a brief tour around our plot as it's in full swing at the moment.

Onions Drying

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We're past the longest day of the year now, traditionally when we pick our over-wintering onions and garlic. They're all lined up on the shelf in our shed now for drying before being hung for storage at home.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Garden Salad

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First pick of the new year from around the allotment and back garden.

The salad contains a cos lettuce and a bunch of other lettuce leaves, radish, and chive flowers.

Lovely. Had it with steak and home made potato wedges